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Где растет дерево платан

Platanus kerrii is a type of tree that naturally grows in Indochina (Vietnam, Laos) while the North American Platanus racemosa (California), Platanus wrightii, Platanus mexicana, Platanus lindeniana (Mexico) and Platanus occidentalis (USA) grow naturally in the New World.

Platanus orientalis, also known as Chinar or Chiana, is a type of tree belonging to the genus Platanus and the family Platanaceae.

One characteristic feature that sets the plane tree apart from maple trees is its immense size and longevity. As one of the largest trees on earth, the plane tree forms a crown up to 40 meters in diameter. In ancient times, plane trees were so large that up to 100 riders could take refuge beneath one tree's canopy.

Studies have shown that the leaves of the plane tree possess antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and anti-tumor properties. As such, the plant is considered a promising medicinal plant and should be subject to clinical research before its extracts can be incorporated into a clinical setting.

  1. Where to Find the Plane Tree
  2. In the Wild
  3. Ornamental Trees
  4. Medicinal Use
  5. Uses of Plane Tree
  6. Timber
  7. Food
  8. Shade
  9. Maintenance
  10. Conclusion

Where to Find the Plane Tree

Here are some places where you can find the plane tree:

In the Wild

The Platanus kerrii plane tree can be found growing naturally in Indochina. Meanwhile, the Platanus racemosa (California), Platanus wrightii, Platanus mexicana, Platanus lindeniana (Mexico) and Platanus occidentalis (USA) grow naturally in the New World.

Ornamental Trees

Municipalities around the world have planted plane trees extensively for their aesthetic value. These trees occupy parks, avenues, and historical sites due to their impressive size, longevity, and beauty.

Medicinal Use

As mentioned previously, plane trees possess medicinal properties that would be useful in treating certain illnesses, although these properties need to be confirmed by clinical research.

Uses of Plane Tree


The timber of the eastern plane tree is pale pink, soft, and easy to work with. It's used to manufacture decorative veneers, furniture, and wood panels. However, this particular type of plane tree is not cultivated for commercial purposes due to its rather slow growth.


The edible fruit of the plane tree, often referred to as buttonwood, is utilised in the production of beverages such as syrup, cordials, and liquors.


Due to the shade provided by the plane tree's wide canopy, it's often grown in public places such as parks, playgrounds, and avenues.


Tree maintenance of the plane tree requires pruning during the dormant Winter months. Since the tree produces large quantities of debris such as leaves, bark, and seed pods, it's important to keep these areas clean to avoid it from becoming a fire hazard.


The plane tree is a beautiful and majestic tree that can be found in various locations around the world. With its medicinal properties, uses in furniture and decorative veneers, it serves a range of purposes despite its slow growth. Industrialists, health professionals, and nature-lovers all have a reason to appreciate this magnificent tree.
